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11:11 Electrical privacy notice





11:11 Electrical respects your right to protect your personal data and responsibly process it.
This privacy notice will outline, why, how and when we use your data. It will cover all services supplied by 11:11 Electrical including our websites:


If you have any queries regarding our privacy practices please get in contact with us.


Who we are?


11:11 Electrical is the trading name for sole trader David Bessant


What information do we collect?


We collect personal information such as names, addresses and contact details during the booking process and via contact forms or newsletter sign ups.
We allow third parties (eg: Google/Facebook) to anonymously collect browsing activities of our websites and social media profile/pages.


How do we use personal information?


- To make a booking.
- To respond to an enquiry you’ve made.
- To deliver personalised content.
- To meet legal obligations (eg prevention of fraud).
- To monitor, measure, protect or improve our content.
- To provide goods or services.
- To research.
- To assist third parties in resolving contract disputes.

What legal basis do we have for processing your personal data?
We may have legal basis because you have:

- Consented (eg: via a contact form/email)
- Entered into a contract with us

Or we must:

- Meet a legal obligation

When do we share personal data?


We treat your personal data confidentially and keep your data secure. We will share data with third parties when it assists your enquiry or to uphold a contract between us. Examples may include:

- Providing contact information to a trusted subcontractor
- Supplying a product or service
- Targeted marketing


Where do we store and process personal data?


Your data may be stored on 11:11 Electrical equipment, in paper files on third party cloud based storage.


How do we secure personal data?


Your data is always stored in a locked or password protected environment unaccusable to the general public. We only supply third parties with the information required to complete the tasks asked of the third party.


How long do we keep your personal data for?


We keep booking information for approximately 7 years to ensure we meet our record keeping obligations set out by HMRC.
Enquiry data from contact forms, social media, SMS and messaging services are kept for 5 years to help analyse marketing effectiveness.
Emails are stored for up to 10 years to assist with research into service improvement.


Your rights in relation to personal data


You have the right to access all personal information we have collected from you.
You can request correction or deletion of your information (where it is not legally required).
You can withdraw your consent.
You can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

We aim to complete all eligible requests within 14 days.


How to contact us?


You can contact us via our contact details which can be found on our website


Linking to other websites / third party content

There are links to external websites of which we have no control over on our website. When following these links please observe their privacy notice.


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